Select Movies with Python - Web Scraping Tutorial

Scrape the IMDb Top 250 movies and let Python choose a movie for you! Learn how to use requests and BeautifulSoup to scrape websites.

Welcome to a fun little Python Tutorial! Scrape the IMDb Top 250 movies and let Python choose a movie for you! Learn how to use requests and BeautifulSoup to scrape websites.

This is the code (can also be found on GitHub):

import random
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# crawl IMDB Top 250 and randomly select a movie

URL = ''

def main():
    response = requests.get(URL)

    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')
    #soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml') # faster

    # print(soup.prettify())

    movietags ='td.titleColumn')
    inner_movietags ='td.titleColumn a')
    ratingtags ='td.posterColumn span[name=ir]')

    def get_year(movie_tag):
        moviesplit = movie_tag.text.split()
        year = moviesplit[-1] # last item 
        return year

    years = [get_year(tag) for tag in movietags]
    actors_list =[tag['title'] for tag in inner_movietags] # access attribute 'title'
    titles = [tag.text for tag in inner_movietags]
    ratings = [float(tag['data-value']) for tag in ratingtags] # access attribute 'data-value'

    n_movies = len(titles)

        idx = random.randrange(0, n_movies)

        print(f'{titles[idx]} {years[idx]}, Rating: {ratings[idx]:.1f}, Starring: {actors_list[idx]}')

        user_input = input('Do you want another movie (y/[n])? ')
        if user_input != 'y':

if __name__ == '__main__':

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